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Invite a friend

On mobile

  1. Tap the plus (+) sign in the bottom-right of the app screen.
  2. Tap Add a friend.
  3. Either enter your friend’s email or tap the contact icon on the right and search for your friend’s name in your contacts.
  4. Select which group your friend should be added to.
    1. Once a friend is added, you can put them in multiple groups using the Friend page (tap your profile image in the bottom-right and tap Friends).
  5. Tap Add

Once your friend accepts the invite they will appear in your list of friends.

On the web

  1. On the Feed tab, find the “Add Friend” widget on the right (it may be near the bottom of the page if you’re using a small screen).
  2. Enter your friend’s or family member’s email address
  3. Select which group your friend should be added to.
    1. Once a friend is added, you can put them in multiple groups using the Friend page (click your profile image in the top-right and tap Friends).
  4. Click the blue button with the arrow.

Once your friend accepts the invite they will appear in your list of friends.

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